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Merkley sees challenges to east Portland

(Editor’s note: The following material was excerpted from Rep. Merkley’s Legislative Report No. 2.)

State Rep. Jeff Merkley (standing) makes a point during a town hall meeting held March 12 at Earl Boyles Elementary School at 10822 S.E. Bush St. The meeting was also hosted by State Rep. Mike Schaufler (seated, with arms on table) and State Sen. Frank Shields (right corner). Over 40 people attended.
The city of Portland east of 82nd Avenue is experiencing a growing concentration of poverty.

That concentration, in combination with the methamphetamine epidemic, is contributing to numerous social problems in east Portland. Earlier this year, reports became available about the rise in the percentage of low-income students in Portland schools. Statistics showed that in the last five years the percentage of low-income students greatly increased in David Douglas, Parkrose and Reynolds school districts. The percent increase exceeds the increase in the Portland Public Schools.

This is just one more indication for the challenges and numerous social problems east Portland is facing.

I have urged Portland Mayor Tom Potter to establish a commission to study and recommend significant changes in policy to stem the deterioration of neighborhoods in east Portland. I would like to encourage you to join in asking the city to pay attention to, understand and address the issues facing our neighborhoods. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for Mayor Potter and the city commissioners are provided below:

Mayor Tom Potter, 503-823-4120, mayorpotter@ci.portland.or.us

Commissioner Sam Adams, 503-823-3008, commissionersam@ci.portland.or.us

Commissioner Dan Saltzman, 503-823-4151, dan@ci.portland.or.us

Commissioner Erik Sten, 503-823-3589, erik@ci.portland.or.us

Commissioner Randy Leonard, 503-823-4682, randy@ci.portland.or.us

Rep. Jeff Merkley, 503-986-1900, rep.jeffmerkley@state.or.us
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