Later this month, the final version of Portland’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) is set to be approved by City Council and then forwarded to the State’s Land Conservation and Development Commission for review. The most sweeping plan to guide the growth of Portland in the city’s history, the Comp Plan must be approved first by the State, and then a highly revised, matching zoning code will be adopted before changes take effect. State approval of the plan is expected in mid to late 2017, with adoption of the revised code and full implementation likely in 2017 or early 2018.

The Comp Plan and new zoning that follows impacts the character and livability of neighborhoods in the Memo’s circulation area. Input by neighborhood residents throughout the process has resulted in changes as planners learned more about not only the neighborhoods, but also neighbors’ concerns.

In April’s issue (“Changes threaten neighborhood livability” MCM April 2016), we detailed the final round of major changes impacting neighborhoods and amendments proposed by the Mayor and City Commissioners to the Comp Plan. In two sessions in May, the council voted on those amendments. Here are the results:

1. 3839 N.E. 122nd Ave. —the Rossi/Giusto farm properties. As modified, includes a change to entirely Mixed Use, and 11800 N.E. Shaver St. to R3 (Residential, one dwelling every 3,000 sq. ft., or apartments) rather than R7. The designations for the properties at the southeast corner of Northeast 122nd Avenue and Northeast Shaver Street were recommended by Bureau of Planning and Sustainability staff, Mayor Hales, commissioners Novick and Fritz. Changing the property to two zones: west half commercial, east half R3 (apartment) to Mixed Use, allows for commercial and commercial mixed with apartments. The farm property to the east (Garre Farm) remain R3 (multi-family.) Argay Terrace Neighborhood Association’s request to keep it R5was denied, with the amendment adopted by City Council vote.

2. 12350 N.E. Sandy Blvd. requested by Commissioner Dan Saltzman for the 13.5 acre Kmart site. With the property owners’ approval, Saltzman wanted to change the Kmart site from a Mixed Employment designation—no residential—to a Mixed Use, which, under current city policies, could allow as many as 450 apartment units. Changes could occur in as little as two years when Kmart’s lease expires, if approved. Rejected by City Council’s 4–1 vote.

3. 9900 N.E. Multnomah St.—requested by the BPS staff for the Gateway MAX platform area. It changes this Open Space area to Central Commercial, or CX. The current Open Space designation doesn’t allow development near the platform areas. CX zone is intended for an attractive streetscape and pedestrian-oriented commercial development of Portland’s most urban and intense areas. Adopted by City Council vote.

4. 837 N.E. 102nd Ave.—recommended by BPS staff for the vacant lot across the street from Gateway Fred Meyer. It changes this property’s designation from Central Residential to Central Commercial, to better fit with adjacent development. Adopted by City Council vote.

5. 12100 N.E. Prescott St.—recommended by BPS staff for the Russellville Grange. This changes the property’s current designation of Medium-Density Residential to Mixed Use Commercial, allowing both residential and commercial development and adjusting the designation to fit the current use. Adopted by City Council vote.

6. 15706 E. Burnside St.—requested by BPS staff for changes to this vacant lot from Multi-Dwelling 1,000 sq. ft. per unit to Mixed Use Dispersed and allows a wider variety of development. The Mixed Use designation continues allowing both apartment development and commercial use. Adopted by City Council vote.

7. 4048 N.E. 122nd Ave.—requested by Mayor Hales and recommended by BPS staff for the post office site in Parkrose on the corner of Northeast 122nd Avenue and Shaver Street. Changes the site to Mixed Use.  Adopted by City Council vote.

8. 9200 N.E. Fremont St.—recommended by Mayor Hales for City Bible Church. Changes the site from an Institutional Campus to Multi-Dwelling 2,000 sq. ft. per unit. Adopted by City Council vote.

9. 8532 N.E. Knott St.—recommended by BPS staff. Changes use from Mixed Employment to Multi-Dwelling 1,000 sq. ft. per unit to reflect current and adjacent uses. Record not located, but appears to have been adopted and involves an existing single-family home.