Health Inspectors conduct unannounced inspections of food service establishments. A restaurant must receive a score of 70 to pass the inspection. Re-inspections are not scored. County inspectors ensure food safety by evaluating food worker habits and practices, where food comes from and how it is stored in the restaurant, how food is prepared and cooked, cooling, holding and reheating temperatures. They report observed violations that are not in compliance with Oregon Revised Statute 624 and Oregon Administrative Rule. This law and these rules are designed to identify violations that can contribute to food-borne illness.

Priority violations unable to be corrected at the time of the inspection must be corrected within 14 days and verified by a re-inspection. A safe, alternative procedure must be in place until the final correction is completed.

Customers can find a placard at the restaurant’s entrance indicating if a facility passed the last routine health inspection.

To look up any restaurant in Multnomah County, visit this site:

Here are recent results for restaurants in Mid-county.

(or file can be downloaded here: dec14_rest_rates)
