“Sweet April showers
Do spring May flowers.”

A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry by Thomas Tusser (c. 1524-1580)
Agricultural writer and poet. Born at Rivenhall, England, he attended Eton School, went to Cambridge University. There he composed his “Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie”. His verses have some practical agricultural value, but it is surprising how many of his quaint expressions force themselves upon the memory, indeed many English proverbs can be traced back to Tusser.
Vol. 19, No. 12 • Mailed monthly to over 12, 400 homes in the Gateway & Parkrose Communities Free • APRIL 2004
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Gentlemen . . . Staaaaaarrrrrrt your engines!
Mid-County non-profit honored with national award
Gateway rezoning heads to City Council hearing Parking limits still an issue
Secretary of State encourages immigrant voter registration
McKnight, others challenge Leonard
Midway Business Association forming
Employees’ and owners’ dedication and teamwork help Mid-County insurance agency grow
Underage nightclub springs to life in Parkrose

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Gentlemen . . . Staaaaaarrrrrrt your engines!

The weekend chorus of lawn mowers can mean only one thing - Spring has arrived. Pictured here is Hazelwood resident Scott Bjorkman as he tends to his patch of green. Bjorkman’s home, now surrounded by new development, is one of many original farmhouses that dot the area. Bjorkman purchased his home seven years ago and has worked to restore it to its former charm. His well-tended yard is a tribute to planning and regular maintenance. For a lawn as nice as this one, experts recommend using a mixture of mostly perennial rye grass with some fine fescues added. Regular fertilization is helpful, with the single most important feeding being in the winter. If moss or thinning is an issue, determine the cause, as these are symptoms of an underlying problem. Mow between 1 and 3 inches in height for good health. For best results, water deeply and infrequently during early morning hours. Avoid shallow frequent watering, which may lead to shallow rooting, and early evening watering, which can result in fungal diseases such as red thread.

Mid-County non-profit honored with national award

Mid-County's Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization's (IRCO) Executive Director Sokhom Tauch (second from left) accepts the Exemplary Public Interest Contribution (EPIC) award from (from left) Charles E. James, Sr. - Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance, Elaine L. Chao - United States Secretary of Labor and Victoria A. Lipnic - Assistant Labor Secretary for Employment Standards. See “Mid-County nonprofit” item in Memo Pad section.
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