Each day members of our community quietly celebrate milestones, achievements and accomplishments—big and small. This department highlights these triumphs for the community.

If you’re sending a submission, include all details that apply: individuals’ names, details of the milestone and a contact name and phone number. If you have photos, send them. The submission deadline for the February issue is Monday, Jan. 15. For best results, e-mail editor@midcountymemo.com or mail submissions to 3510 N.E. 134th Ave., Portland, OR 97230. Call 503-287-8904.

David Douglas representatives accepting National Healthy Schools Awards are (from left) Barbara Kienle, director of student services, David Douglas School District; Nonglock Dodson, physical education specialist, Lincoln Park Elementary; Jordan Ng, physical education specialist, West Powellhurst Elementary; Trevor Devault, physical education specialist, Menlo Park Elementary; Meagan Lutu, physical education specialist, Floyd Light Middle School; and Joanne Maki, physical education specialist, Ron Russell Middle School. COURTESY DAVIDA GURSTELLE ALLIANCE FOR A HEALTHIER GENERATION

David Douglas representatives accepting National Healthy Schools Awards are (from left) Barbara Kienle, director of student
services, David Douglas School District; Nonglock Dodson, physical education
specialist, Lincoln Park Elementary; Jordan Ng, physical education specialist, West Powellhurst Elementary; Trevor Devault, physical education specialist, Menlo Park Elementary; Meagan Lutu, physical
education specialist, Floyd Light Middle School; and Joanne Maki, physical education specialist, Ron Russell Middle School.

David Douglas schools are healthy 
Six schools in the David Douglas School District were honored at a Healthy Schools Summit in San Diego last month.

Floyd Light and Ron Russell middle schools earned silver awards while Earl Boyles, Lincoln Park, Menlo Park and West Powellhurst elementary schools came home with bronze awards.

These schools joined 53 others nationwide as America’s Healthiest Schools for 2017. The awards are made possible by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and Kaiser Permanente’s Thriving Schools Program.

Donors of all blood types urged to give blood, platelets 
The American Red Cross is urging eligible donors to give more life to patients now and into the new year by giving blood or platelets.

Donations decline during the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, when busy holiday schedules cause regular donors to be less available to give and many blood drives may be canceled due to severe winter storms. Last year, nearly 64,000 fewer blood and platelet donations were given through the Red Cross during the seven weeks from Thanksgiving through the first week of January than the average during the rest of the year.

“By taking just about an hour of time today, you can help save someone’s life within a few weeks or even days of your donation,” said Neil Tosuntikool, donor recruitment director of the Red Cross Pacific Northwest Blood Services Region. “We’re asking donors to give now to help ensure blood is available when patients need it most.”

Blood is perishable and can only be replenished by volunteer donors. Red blood cells, the most transfused blood product, must be transfused within 42 days. Platelets, the tiny cells that form clots and help stop bleeding, must be transfused within just five days. More than half of all platelet donations go to cancer patients who may need platelet transfusions to prevent life-threatening bleeding during chemotherapy.

“Platelet donors don’t have to wait a few weeks to make a difference in a patient’s life,” said Tosuntikool. “Someone could donate platelets on Monday, and by Friday, those same platelets can help someone’s fight to kick cancer.”

All blood types are needed this winter. Platelet donations are especially encouraged the first week of the new year, which is among the most difficult to collect enough platelets to meet patient needs. Donation appointments can be quickly and easily scheduled by visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

As a special thank-you for taking the time to donate, those who give Dec. 21 through Jan. 7 will receive a long-sleeved Red Cross T-shirt while supplies last.