Sidewalk construction work along the north side of Northeast Prescott Street from Northeast 102nd to Northeast 92nd avenues is nearing completion.
The solar eclipse isn’t the only thing that will be affecting traffic this August. There’s always plenty of road construction to tide us over until August 21.
On June 26, the sixth Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting was held to discuss the 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) provided the public with qualitative as well as quantitative feedback and updates, in addition to a period for public comment. Below, we translate a few main topics that were discussed during the meeting.
First, the meeting summarized results from a web-based survey that was produced by ODOT and provided for five linguistic groups within the east Portland community (82nd Avenue and beyond). English, Cantonese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese speakers were asked to specify what improvements they are most interested in as part of the Implementation Plan. The results: People want to see increased pedestrian safety, more bikes and secure sidewalks, which would include increased lighting, as well as green infrastructure for a variety of projects along 82nd Avenue.
And surprise: People want the city to fix more potholes.
It’s also expected that there will be increased pedestrian-scale lighting coming from ODOT, primarily around the Prescott to Fremont corridor and the Alder to Burnside corridor. City officials also vow that violations of Oregon crosswalk laws will be more severely punished soon—as if life wasn’t difficult enough already.
122nd Avenue Area Safety Improvements: Northeast Prescott sidewalks
It’s almost over! New sidewalks have been planned from Northeast Sandy Boulevard to Northeast Prescott Street at Northeast 92nd Avenue, as well as from the north side from the I-205 to Northeast 102nd Avenue and Northeast Prescott Street. All these sidewalks, as well as the ambitious plan to place a marked crosswalk at Northeast 121st Avenue and Northeast Prescott Street are nearing completion.
“The sidewalk installation on Northeast Prescott is essentially finished, with a few last details being finished up by the contractor,” says Dylan Rivera, the public information officer for the Portland Bureau of Transportation. “New beacons on 122nd Avenue should be activated in the next month.”
Lindy Street to Mt. Scott Creek Bridge and Safety Project
It’s not quite yet fall, which means this project is still in its second phase. The mission statement of this project is to see new sidewalk curb ramps installed at the corner of major intersections between Southeast Lindy Street and Southeast King Road.
Lane closures are expected to continue from both directions between Southeast Southgate Street and Southeast King Road from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays.
82nd Avenue: More bike lanes around Burnside
Alongside the 82nd Avenue of Roses Implementation Plan, the city is looking to fill bike lane gaps and reduce transit delay at Burnside and 82nd Avenue. We’re talking lots of signage and striping with very little capital construction along the way. This is no surprise as the city has shown a piqued interest in increasing and reconstructing bike lanes east of 82nd Avenue (regarding the proposed swap of parking spaces and bike lanes along Northeast Halsey and Weidler street from 102nd to 112th Avenue.) n