Each day, members of our community quietly celebrate milestones, achievements and accomplishments—big and small. This department highlights these triumphs for the community.
If you’re sending a submission, include all details that apply: individuals’ names, details of the milestone and a contact name and phone number. If you have photos, send them. The submission deadline for January issue is Thursday, Dec. 15. For best results, e-mail editor@midcountymemo.com or mail submissions to 3510 N.E. 134th Ave., Portland, OR 97230. Call 503-287-8904.

Angie Merwin cooked up a batch of her “Good Ol’ Chili” and took home the winning trophy at the inaugural Maywood Park Chili & Cornbread Cook-Off held last month.

Jeanne Howard Snodgrass won the cornbread category with her “Rich Buttery Goodness” version of the traditional chili accompaniment.
Chili and cornbread are winners at Maywood Park’s inaugural cook-off event
Angie Merwin and Jeanne Howard Snodgrass took home trophies in the inaugural Maywood Park Chili & Cornbread Cook-Off held last month in conjunction with the city’s annual 5K run and walk. Merwin, who lives in Parkrose, won for what she dubbed “Good Ol’ Chili” and Maywood Park resident Snodgrass won with her cornbread entry, “Rich Buttery Goodness.”
There were ten chilies and five cornbread recipes for tasters to try. Winners were determined by votes cast by public tasters, who paid $1 to participate. Funds raised went to Friends of Outdoor School in support of Parkrose Middle School students.

Parkrose School District elementary students received their own copy of “A Student’s Dictionary & Gazetteer” on Nov. 15 that was presented to them by Northeast Portland Rotarians. Shaver Elementary students, from left, Addison Mulkey, Matthew Davis, Leilani Moore and Collin Perez pose with teacher Rebecca Jones.
Rotarians give free dictionaries to elementary students
In November, Northeast Portland Rotary Club members fanned out across the four elementary schools in the Parkrose School District to personally deliver 258 copies of “A Student’s Dictionary & Gazetteer” to students. The 524-page reference book is a geographical dictionary with maps; facts about the solar system; biographies; the Declaration of Independence; the U.S. Constitution; and lists of weights and measures. In addition, they dropped off 512 copies at the David Douglas School District for their elementary schools; private Christian schools in the area received 81. Northeast Portland Rotarians have been doing this for more than a dozen years, according to longtime member Ollie Lund. “It’s one of our major efforts in the community,” Lund said. “The kids like having their own book. It’s a treat when they see there’s an interest in them from the community outside the school.”
The Northeast Portland Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at noon at King’s Omelets, 10711 N.E. Halsey Street. For more information about the club, call Kevin Minkoff at 503-252-3988. He’ll buy you lunch at their next meeting.

Zach Marquez built 20 wood duck nesting boxes to earn the rank of Eagle Scout in Boy Scout Troop 606.
Marquez makes Eagle Scout
Zach Marquez, a Columbia Christian High senior, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America. A member of Boy Scout Troop 606, Zach completed eight levels of rank and earned more than 21 merit badges.
Zach’s Scouting career began at Shaver Elementary’s Back-to-School Night, when he joined Cub Scout Pack 4. He moved up to Troop 606 in the fifth grade. He was motivated by a strong family history of Scouting to attain Eagle rank, and he reached his goal of doing so before turning 18. He has been a role model for younger Scouts, saying, “Don’t ever give up on your goals.”
As part of earning the Eagle rank, a Scout is required to do a community service project. It requires the Scout to plan, organize and execute the project through to completion. While it is the responsibility of the Eagle Scout candidate to do all the planning and behind-the-scenes work, typically other troop Scouts will assist with the actual project, as the projects can be quite labor intensive.
Zach chose to build 20 wood duck nesting boxes for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife—Sauvie Island office. He secured funding from the Oregon Hunters Association of Columbia County and, along with his fellow Scouts, built the boxes on a Saturday in April. He celebrated his formal Eagle Scout Court of Honor last month with family, friends and his troop.
Boy Scout Troop 606 is a well-established, active, successful troop. The troop meets Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at Menlo Park Elementary School, 12900 N.E. Glisan St. The troop is always recruiting new members. Contact Sue Lampe at 503-560-1148 for more information.

State Senator Michael Dembrow, a former state representative and English instructor at Portland Community College, recently received a Spirit of Portland award.
Dembrow elected to senate leadership, receives Spirit of Portland award
Sen. Michael Dembrow (D-Portland) was elected to serve as one of two assistant majority leaders by his colleagues at the biennial Senate Democratic Caucus Retreat last month in Gleneden Beach.
The assistant majority leaders are responsible for aiding the Democratic majority leader. Additionally, they serve as members of the Oregon Senate Democratic leadership team. The other assistant majority leader is Sen. Chuck Riley (D-Hillsboro). Democrats hold a 17–13 majority in the Oregon Senate.
“I am excited to continue serving in a leadership role in the Democratic caucus,” Dembrow said. “We have a lot of work to do to continue moving forward on issues that affect hardworking Oregonians all over the state while protecting the environment and addressing other key issues that affect our economy and quality of life.”
Dembrow has also been awarded a 2016 Spirit of Portland Commissioners Award by Commissioner Dan Saltzman “for his instrumental numerous contributions.”
Dembrow represents Senate District 23—which includes portions of Northeast Portland, Parkrose and the city of Maywood Park. He currently serves as chair of the Senate Workforce Committee and sits on the Environment and Natural Resources Committee, the Human Services and Early Childhood Committee and the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Natural Resources.