A beacon of hope shines for families with a commitment to improving their lot at the site of the old Value Inn in Parkrose at 11936 N.E. Sandy Blvd.

The old Value Inn is the new home of 16 Greater New Hope Family Services–NE Campus transitional housing units, all presently and so far continually occupied by families in transition from homelessness to lasting accommodations. It is the brainchild of Alvin and Linda Ellerby, the guiding lights of Greater New Hope M.B. Church and Greater New Hope Family Services on Northeast Killingsworth Street, the latter of which has contracted with Oregon Department of Human Services for the past four years. The married couple are well lettered, he with a B.S, M.S. and numerous citations and awards in mechanical engineering and a M.S. in Theology and Doctorate of Divinity; she with a B.S. and M.S. in Special Education and a M.S. in Educational Leadership.

“We don’t proselytize,” said Linda Ellerby about the connection between the housing project and the church, pointing out that there is currently no overlap between tenants and church members, though a tenant wishing to attend their church naturally would be “welcome.”

Ellerby said they leased the old Value Inn in Parkrose for two years and contracted with Oregon Department of Human Services to manage the new housing unit digs of Greater New Hope Family Services–NE Campus.

Family Services–NE Campus provides temporary housing, teaches parenting skills and helps tenants look for suitable permanent housing. It also provides bankruptcy and expungement legal advice at below-market rates. A scaled-down version of what Dr. Ellerby intended to call “Eden House,” Family Services–NE Campus has been operation only since November 2015. It is a model that Linda Ellerby said Dr. Ellerby believes is scalable.

For more information about Greater New Hope Family Services–NE Campus, call Dr. Ellerby at 503-459-7474.