The Mid-county Memo is your newspaper. We want to hear from you. Discuss an important issue, respond to a request for comment or address a concern you want to call to the attention of the community. Letters to the editor will always be edited for space, style, grammar and issues of clarity. Please include your full name and identify the neighborhood in which you reside. We prefer e-mailed letters to the editor sent to Darlene Vinson at Please put “Letter to the editor” in the subject line. You may also mail your letter to 3510 N.E. 134th Ave., Portland, OR 97230 or fax it to 503-249-7672. Deadline for the February issue is Friday, Jan. 15.
Why the spendy garbage cans, benches?
To the Editor:
Like-minded neighbors in the Hazelwood area are interested in the cost of the “gold-plated” garbage cans and matching bus benches with Alaskan yellow cedar that are being installed along the Halsey/Weidler couplet.
Some believe this is a ridiculous use of our tax dollars. What was wrong with the concrete cans and good old bus benches that are all over the city?
If you have this information, please print it for us. I think many will be interested to know.
Also, please share any information you have on the cost of installation. It appears that this project would be much more cost effective if the installations were included in the gateway revamp project rather than done individually.
Thank you.
Avid reader and confused taxpayer,
K. Hill
Hazelwood resident
Editor’s Note: The Memo has been covering this project since its inception. One article that applies (“Halsey-Weidler work group gets grants for benches, trashcans”) appeared in the March 2015 issue.