"War is at best barbarism ... Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks
and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell."

~William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891), attributed to a graduation address at Michigan Military Academy, June 19, 1879
Vol. 21, No. 3 • Mailed monthly to over 13,000 homes in the Gateway & Parkrose Communities Free • JULY 2005
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New class coming to school
PBA awards scholarships
Composting plant plan trashed at neighborhood meeting
A look back at Mid-county Memo July 1987
City’s first Measure 37 case denied
Inaugural SnowCap garage sale a hit

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New class coming to school

It was the last day of school at what next year will be a different Floyd Light Middle School. Starting with the 2005-06 school year, the David Douglas School District’s Floyd Light Middle School will be adding a sixth grade class. The Floyd Light Middle School class of 2005 was the last to graduate with the seventh and eighth grade format. Left to right are members of the 2005 Floyd Light Middle School eighth grade graduating class, Alexa Holgate, Kirsten Tenhaken, Kathryn Martin, Aaron Carlton and Rudy Wollrabe. The group is seen taking pizza boxes to the recycling after celebrating the end of the school year. The day began with a class trip to Oaks Amusement Park in Southeast Portland and ended with a pizza party at the school. For more information on the school’s transformation, please see the “David Douglas middle schools add sixth grade” Memo Pad item on page 4.

PBA awards scholarships

At Parkrose High School’s Class of 2005 Senior Recognition Evening held in June, members of the Parkrose Business Association’s scholarship committee awarded four Parkrose High School seniors $1000 each. From left to right are PBA scholarship committee member Marsha Lee, student Hang Vo, student Kevin Thorpe, PBA scholarship committee member Bob Brown, student Michelle Hammond, PBA scholarship committee member Nancy Murphy, student Amy Heide, PBA scholarship committee member Mary Brown and PBA President Wayne Stoll. A portion of the revenue generated at the annual Rose Festival Cruise-In, produced by the PBA and held annually at Parkrose High School and Community Center, is dedicated to the awards.
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