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2013 Barn Bash in the books

Tim Curran

Last month, Nicole McNeil, from left, Nicole Whitley and their friend Stacy pose for a picture during the 2013 Barn Bash at Rossi Farms. The annual community party raises money for various community groups.
It was a night of dancing, drinking, playing and having fun at the 2013 Barn Bash held at Rossi Farms in Parkrose last month.
John Mears enjoys his first Barn Bash with Terry Forsythe, middle, and Camilla Sundholm.
Mid-county Memo photos/Tim Curran
At last month's annual Barn Bash, Joe Rossi and his posse brought a night of entertainment, food, fun and fellowship to the community.

Rossi's non-profit group, the Parkrose Community Foundation produces the annual event to raise money for various youth and community groups.

“I'm very happy the event was once again well attended and I am continually grateful to our hard working volunteers,” Joe Rossi said.

Held at the family farm in Parkrose, the $20 admission got you a grilled chicken dinner with all the trimmings; two live bands-one in the barn, one outside; and a charmingly inaudible Wild West show performed during band breaks. If that weren't enough, Rossi added casino gambling and cigar bar this year.

The casino accoutrement displaced the usual beer and wine script-selling and dispensing area inside the barn, which was moved outside, producing longer than usual lines for the hundreds of thirsty partygoers.

Some of Rossi's regular customers were annoyed, but for first time Barn Bash-goers it was fine.

Like Argay resident John Mears. A teacher at Grant High School, Mears has lived in east Portland for more than a decade. He said he knew about the Barn Bash, and always wanted to go. However, because his band performed at the Sandy Mountain Festival, held on the same day, for more than a decade until this year, he never had the chance.

He loved the neighborhood event. “This is wonderful,” he said. “This is a neat thing for the community and it's well organized. We're having a great time; we'll be here next year for sure.” He attended with his wife, friends and a few band mates-all suitably impressed.

Jodi Davis West, another first timer at the show, graduated from Parkrose in 1979. “It was great,” she said afterwards. “I saw so many people I knew and had so much fun. I'm going back next year for sure.”

Rossi was unable to provide attendance and revenue figures by press time, but provided a list of youth and community groups he is donating to for their help promoting the event; for set-up help before and clean-up help after, and for volunteering at the event.

Youth Groups:
Aldo Rossi youth football
Parkrose Water Polo
PDX Boxing
Fisticuffs Boxing
Parkrose Young Life
Parkrose Baseball
Parkrose Elite Dance Team

Community Improvement Groups:
Historic Parkrose
St. Rita Community Supper
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