Click the link below to download an electronic file (PDF) of the Mid-county MEMO rates, mechanicals, advertising agreement, new business info, credit application, etc.
Memo Rates_012115
You will need Adobe Reader to view this file, if you do not have it on your computer, it is a FREE download from Adobe.
1. First insertions must be prepaid prior to last day of acceptance of ads for next publication. Thereafter, clients meeting Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. credit requirements will be invoiced net on receipt. Invoices paid after terms will be subject to a 1% per month service charge.2. Contract is binding when signed by the authorized representative of the client or client’s ad agency. Published rates are net. Agencies add 15% for gross cost. Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. will accept insertion orders from qualified ad agencies only (serving more than one client) that accept full payment responsibility.
3. In the event a suit or action is brought to collect amounts due, Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. shall be entitled to recover attorney fees and costs incurred.
4. No representative of Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. guarantees any performance to client or ad agency for advertising, nor is client’s or agency’s perception of results to be construed as reason for non-payment of advertising invoices. There shall be no liability on the part of Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. for delays or inability to perform work due to causes outside its control.
The Mid-county Memo is a three-column tabloid format; image area is 10-1/4 inches wide and 16 inches tall; column width is 3.25 inches; two columns width is 6.75 inches. The newspaper is printed on newsprint on a web press. Please comply with the following specifications: 85-line screen on photos; PMTs and/or a positive on RC paper is desired instead of film; 20% dot gain; emulsion-side down, right reading; electronic JPEG, EPS, TIFF and PDF files are all accepted.
Additional Charges
Spot color and full-process color increase the price by 15% and 25%, respectively. We request ad copy be submitted as camera ready. Any ad agency who submits copy which requires additional production by Mid-county Memo Publishing, Inc. will be billed for appropriate charges, i.e., typesetting, layout, art, camera charges, color separations, etc., at Mid-county Memo Publishing’s standard rates. Finished ad becomes property of client.
Editorial Deadlines: 15th of the month.
Advertising Deadlines: 20th of the month for copy needing design and layout, 25th of the month for camera-ready, to-size, electronic file submissions
Mid-county Memo, 3510 N.E. 134th Ave., Portland, OR 97230
Phone: 503-287-8904
Fax: 503-249-7672
E-mail: Advertising:
Web site: